Modified New Features
- The generated malware APK is 100% undetectable to Any Antivirus
- 100% undetectable to Google Play Protection and huawei/xiaomi default antivirus engine.
- Support Android 8.1 (9.0 Pie is not tested yet)
- Updated and more stable GUI with multi core support.
Default Features
- Bind your server APK with any other Game or App.
- Explore Files with full access.
- Read/Write Messages.
- Make a call, record a call and browse call logs.
- Read and write contact list.
- Capture photos and videos.
- Listen live conversation through mic, record mic sound live.
- Check browser history.
- Get GPS Location.
- Check installed apps.
- Get phone’s information (IMEI, WIFI MAC, PHONE CARRIER).
- Fun Panel (Show messages, shake the phone etc)
Is it free or how can I download it?
Answer: This modified malware is completely free only for national interest. Law enforcement agencies can knock me to get it free. Of Course you can find SpyNote all free versions from here.